WSPD Safety Tip Blog

Be a crime stopper, not a victim! Your safety is our number one priority, and safety is knowledge. This blog is updated periodically with information that can help you stop crime before it even starts!

Recent Articles
Firework Safety Tips

The Winter Springs Police Department is excited to celebrate Independence Day as it is a day that fills all of our hearts with great pride and patriotism.  As we celebrate this July 4th, please keep these things in mind:

Summer is synonymous with barbecues, parades and fireworks. The National Safety Council advises everyone to enjoy fireworks at public displays conducted by professionals, and not to use any fireworks at home. They may be legal but they are not safe.

June 2024- Safety Tip

The human body is normally able to regulate its temperature through sweating, until it is exposed to more heat than it can handle. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke can escalate rapidly, leading to delirium, organ damage and even death.

Water Safety

Living in Florida, we all know there are two seasons: hot and not-so-hot! More importantly, as the temperature rises, so does activity in and around the water. The Winter Springs Police Department would like to remind everyone that even though we look forward to a summer around the pool or at the beach, there are some inherent dangers that come with our attempts to stay cool. Keep these rules in mind to keep your summer safe and refreshing. Distractions Make for Tragedies.

April 2024- Distracted Driving Awareness

Distracted driving is any activity that diverts the attention from driving. This includes talking to passengers, texting on your phone, eating, drinking, and manipulating the stereo or navigation system. Simply put, it is anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving.

Texting is the most alarming distraction. Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for approximately 5 seconds. At 55 mph, that's like driving the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed.

Lock Ir Or Lose It -March Safety Tip

The Winter Springs Police Department would like your help by following these tips to aid in reducing auto burglaries. Remember that the best prevention against thefts from vehicles is always to lock your vehicle and not leave valuables visible. Let’s get together in moving the thieves out of Winter Springs. Don’t be a victim; be safe.

Tax & IRS Scams

We have entered the tax season again, which can be an active and lucrative time for scammers. Here is a list of scams you may encounter in this tax season.

January 2024- Phishing Scams

With the New Year comes new scams, cons and fraud tactics. Cybercriminals are constantly changing how they swindle and con people out of their money to stay ahead of law enforcement.